So close and still so far!

5 days to go!

As promised, here's the backup outfit I found at Hot Topic if all should fail:

And here's my dad trying on his Bane mask for the first time! Can't contain the awesomeness!

Today I made the ears on my mask and did a test run on the makeup! The ears ended up looking way too big on, so I'll have to chop them a little tomorrow, but I'm really liking how it's coming together! Even in my cheap little mask you can't help but feel like you just exude awesome when you dress like Catwoman :) Definitely a new feeling that I could grow accustomed to.

I did the makeup in literally like 2 minutes tops, and kind of like how sloppy it ended up looking, but day of I'll definitely go a little darker to get 100% there.

Wow.. today is the day of run-on sentences. But maybe my sloppy diction will give you some indication of how crazy excited I am! Here's hoping my suit comes back from the seamstress in functioning order!


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