It's that time of year again... that special time when I suddenly remember I have this blog and feel a need to post endless amounts of holiday-themed outfits for your viewing pleasure and/or my own amusement.  Truly, Spring and Summer need better holidays.  I think my creativity monster shuts down half the year out of sheer boredom.

But Halloween is here and I had a smashing week of Halloween-themed outfits which I'm now going to share with you, my occasional viewers who randomly find me on Pinterest.

Day One: Black Cat

Day Two: Spider-woman

Day Three: Office-appropriate Candy Corn

Day Four: Death's Head

Day Five: Precious Pumpkin

And my Halloween costume reveal for the year?  Well that deserves another post of it's own! [because I took way too many pictures and I need to do some narrowing down before I throw them all up on the interwebs]


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