Here comes the Bride...

You've been waiting with baited breath. You've been shaking your fists at the heavens asking "What is Traci going to be this Halloween? Why can't I know?" You've gone on some boredom-induced clicking spree and have somehow ended up on this page with no idea who I am and having little desire to find out.  Or maybe none of these statements is true to you, I'm not a mind-reader. But you would know that if you knew who I was and didn't just click on some random person's page now, wouldn't you?

Anywho, here it goes. For Halloween 2014 I oh-so-predictably delved back into the twisted world of Tim Burton and came out as...

Emily the Corpse Bride!

I've wanted to do this Cosplay for FOREVER and I finally decided to go for it because I wanted to be a slacker and not make a costume from scratch. Instead, I bought an old high-collared, long-sleeved, multi-piece wedding dress from ebay and tore it apart to put back together as my Corpse Bride. It was destructive, fun, and so very satisfying.

 It's a pretty simple costume to go about, good for a last-minute look.  My only regret was not researching body paint better as I ended up rather splotchy in parts. But, hey, you'd be kind of messed up looking too if you had been murdered and buried for years.

 As most likely my last Halloween at home, I went with my mom and dad to Chuys for some burritos and margs, Target to creep the aisles, and a playground to take some creepy photos.

Overall I'd call it a success. 

Happy Halloween to all! 

And now, as it is past midnight, may your Christmas music ring out loud for all to hear and to be filled with cheer!


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