Halloween DIY Fashions
Oh, well hello there blog! What's that? You thought I forgot about you? Psh.. ye of little faith! I would nev...ok, I kind of forgot about you for a while. Sorry about that. Blame adult world, it sucks.
But to make it up to you, I would like to share some Halloween Spirit by showing some DIY fashions I've made for this Halloween! These are all super easy and do not require a pattern or even much patience! Here goes...
But to make it up to you, I would like to share some Halloween Spirit by showing some DIY fashions I've made for this Halloween! These are all super easy and do not require a pattern or even much patience! Here goes...
Spiderweb Shirt
EGADS! What is that? Oh, phew... it's just me in the middle of the night without makeup or probably (confession time) a shower. This is the only unfortunate picture I have of the spider shirt, and I probably could have waited for a better picture before I posted it... but nay! Your timely post defies all vanity (or at least most vanity).
I saw this idea on Pinterest and found it to be insanely easy to execute. I have a bunch of white men's t-shirts saved up (I buy packs of men undershirts to sleep in, it's good for your skin!) so this shirt ended up being free! The original pin is found here: http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/spiderweb-cut-out-shirt
But it's pretty self explanatory and turns out looking really fun! When I wore it out I wore one of those legit plastic spider rings with it and got lots of compliments!
Skull Shirt
Same premise, less cutting! This one was even easier than the Spiderweb and looks just as cool! Be careful on the size and placement of your eye sockets, though, or this could turn pretty bawdy pretty quick! I got the general idea from this Jack Skellington shirt: http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/diy-cutout-skully-tee/versions/2
But decided to make mine a little creepier.
Halloween Skirt
This one does require some *dramatic pause* sewing! But fear not- the sewing is light and easy and it can be done with machine or by hand! I had some extra fabric from a Halloween dress I made a few years back (seen, in part, in photo below)
Good gracious... either one of the photos is really bad quality or the fabric majorly faded over time. I'm guessing it's the former as I appear to be yellow in the recent photo. Anyways- all you do is cut a long piece of fabric with its width your preferred skirt length and the length as long as you want the skirt to be full. Basically, that was a lot of words for saying it's a simple gathered skirt. Cut a piece of elastic that fits snug around your waist plus a little extra for seam allowance. Baste and gather the upper edge of the skirt and attach it to said elastic. If you put the selvage of the fabric at the bottom of the skirt you don't even have to hem it! Viola! You have a skirt!
Pumpkin Shirt/Dress
And for my final act of the night, the charming pumpkin shirt dress! I got the idea for this outfit from this picture: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/248542473156890689/
All you need is an orange T-shirt (I got an x-large so it would be long, flowy and dress-like), thread, and some black felt! Cut out your pumpkin's face and sew it to the shirt. I prefer to hand sew the felt as I think it looks more finished. Attach the faux collar the same way if desired!
There you have it! Some fun, easy, cheap, and sometimes free looks you can wear this Halloween! Happy crafting!
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